What is it about me that stops you from seeing the good in these bones, in this body, in this skin so black that it gives you heart attacks to the point that you feel the need to attack our hearts, our chests, our arms, our backs with your weapons of hate. "Please","stop", "wait" are all foreign to you when uttered by these big lips on this black face. Perhaps, that is all you see. A black face. But I encourage you, better yet, I demand you to expand your vision and see through this skin, yes, the one with all the melanin, the one that you wish you were in, and gaze upon my soul. I am told by the likes of you that my time is limited, but we see different signs in the sky, you and I, for my ancestors tell me it is time for me to fly. So, once you unlock these chains, or even if you refuse and continue to televise my pain, one day I will rejuvenate and I will spread my wings and I will fly.