The advent day has come And with it a lonesome Fellow cloaked in black. He trudges back And forth; unseen by brailing sirens, The gazing and scavenging talons. He sways the crowd By swelling the cloud, Dispersing the onlookers With the phobia of ombros. Only the shepherd of the dead Knows the folk lore of the serpents head. "Ready my carriage," he says "This soul is destined for better days. Leave the body behind. Let it stew with dust and sylvan kind So seed may sprout, decay and replenish Its androgynous abode afresh. And I may keep a promise, Finding solace within my grimace. O' friend of mine; Take a sip of cordial wine, And rise from your pale souvenir, Embellish your wings and climb the firmament tier. Scour the stars, sun and moon's face For the heaven promised beyond space. The home of saints and martyr; And when this path leads to a furnaced altar, Know this as your fate For going through the narrow gate. A prudent soul you were not, Always chasing the Dharmic knot. By the power vested in me I set your spirit free."