The issue of race and racial equality seems to be trending Everyone wants to “take action” Everyone wants to “help” But do they really? Your fellow teachers, professors, priests, neighbors Everyone seems to be “fed up” They want it to be put to a standstill But to me? They’re playing a game A fun game At least to them it’s fun And here are the rules: Rule 1: pretend to care Rule 2: speak on it during public occasions Rule 3: watch and read the news on each specific topic Rule 4: go home and sit on your ***** and act like you did something And if you repeat the steps every time something breaks out You’ll win Trust me, it’s simple And that’s the issue Letting incidents like this continue and build up Is hurting not only everyone else around you But yourself as well Put yourself in our shoes Feel how we feel Not witness, but become the victim Then maybe, just maybe you’ll understand Or will you? Sad to say that things like this will and have not happened to you Somethings may be similar, but not as bad Who am I talking to? You know exactly who..white folks Yeah, I said it Don’t act so surprised You all won’t understand what we go thru Because it hasn’t happened to you And don’t say that it has No matter how hard you’ll try to understand It just won’t happen So stop, stop with the pity parties and sob stories So, if you want to help the situation listen to me Stop playing this thing called, “The Race Game” The game is not fun The game is not entertaining It’s ignorant Disgusting Sickening So go ahead, play if you want And see how far it gets ya.