{Act One-Darkness} <> There are no stars tonight, only the cold lifeless dark. No hearts on fire, nor passion plays. Only the faerie dance of fire flies, and the myth of love.
{Act Two-Searching} <> Are we just bags of hormones either fortunately or unfortunately imbued with the chemicals of life? Will there be a day that we will be singled out for our levels of hormones? Will a new prejudice arise? Oh... she's 68.3% hormonal, he's 97% hormoneless..... Will there be hormone police, checking your levels before you buy a gun, or have a baby, or get married? (I should have reversed the order of those lines.) Are we just bags of hormones? Can we blame the lack of, or the abundance of, the chemistry in our bodies, infecting the knee **** reactions of our power hungry egos? Menopausal, testosteroned, endorphined, dopamined, all influencing the limbic system. Soon, very soon a storm is coming. A storm complete with tattooed bar codes describing our perspective hormonal levels. In the year 2025, separated by island walls. Are we just bags of hormones?
{Act Three-Light} <> You can't love me, you don't love yourself. If and until you completely love yourself, you can not completely love another. The level of love that you have for me, can only be the level of love for yourself. You can't love me ........not yet.