I lay on the ground, Watching the blue sky, As clouds swim gently, Varying shapes spontaneously
I listen to the hissing wind Brushing lightly on my face, Eyebrows and curly hair Whispering her name in echoes
It resonates clearly in my mind Creating vivid images of her Projecting them onto the open sky
They run one after the other Creating a motion picture of sort Seeing how gracefully she smiles, I get lost in every inch of it
Her lips appear tender and shiny A perfect alignment of snow white teeth Just like the clouds above
Her gaze, so enchanting, And like a flying arrow, Straight into my glass heart, Cracking and shattering Aching with desire
Her dark hair, long and plaited Twisted strands falling to her back Appearing satin in the mid sunlight
She bows her head slowly And raises it cordially Like an ancient goddess of a kind Symbolizing beauty and fertility
Her body, young and strong Perfect curve lines running, Stretching out her white linen dress, Appearing like a second skin
And her natural skin? smooth and immaculate, A chocolate complexion, Fusing with that of her dress And not in an actual blend, But an astonishing graphic work of art
And like sound from many bells, Melodic and rhythmic Pure and steady She sings warmly Healing hearts of they that hear
And her name, Isabella
no words can express clearly. may be silence speaks better