morning arrives and i am angry i feel the acid pouring through my veins, cold at the back of my throat as it burns its path through my rushing bloodstream. fawn response and am left to run, as far and as fast as my legs will allow. avoiding the fallout of a promised war. looking in the mirror, a never-ending karmic battle between past and future. good girl gone bad, or just the opposite? not really mattering the roses die, the water stagnates and my heart is pretty much dead. the sun's arrival, generally potent, flaccid this dawn as i curse the slumber-filled night, silent and empty. dreams muted, the result of a chemical sleep, intended to silence the run-on daydreams. so what, how to retract this flawed refraction? summer bounces nearer and the night's heat will intensify, raising the potential for violence, the streets of my soul quickly clogging with unexpected acetylcholine bursts, moderation necessary as i begin to drown in my own apocalyptic undoing.