Coffee: the best you can find at the ghetto 3rd St. grocer I smoked half your ciggs one day because I had spent all my money making sure we had the best breakfast coffee and cream. It was worth it to see the corners of your lips turn into that mug; steam rising into your morning face, and hear the sigh of comfort. I dont settle for less now. Nothing like that first sip You said
Bleach: I awaited your arrival like a sentry awaiting relief. The gallons of bleach I poured into the tub and sinks. If only they could shine like you. This home would be a palace when you arrived,always.
The house looks great! You said
Beer: There will always be one for you in my fridgeβ¦I spent countless hours standing in line to fill the drawer; where vegetables would live in most homes, with brews of taste and supplement. Or at least they get you drunk. To see the glimmer in your wild Irish eyes and take the edge off the struggle.
Awesome, Ill get you one too. You said
Bacon: because its bacon. 2 hours of cooking. A full spread with pancakes and mimosas to lift your sleepy head. Fruit and the fluffiest scrambled eggs. I was blissful watching you fill your plate and belly, caring not for my own comfort but to fill your soul with love.
Did you eat yet, get some food. You said
Wishing my lips could say what my heart holds..i try in every way to show it when you come around. But do you know it?