We don’t speak any more. Nails fly out of your mouth to crucify while I oscillate between hanging in pained silence and screaming thoughtlessly back at you. But far worse than your nails drawing blood is the piling of the silent stones, day by day, into a monument I cannot climb, inscripted with the character of your life I can no longer read. Could I ever? You bludgeon me with “you will never understand.” I never believed you until now.
I cannot see your knights and know not what dragons they have slain for you. I was once your champion. Your laughter is shrouded when I am near, although I hear it report from a distance, its absence piercing shooting pain. I cannot know your particular darkness for the shadows are yours and yours alone. But I knew something of your lands once and sacrificed more than a little blood on your soil.
You fence me in lines I never drew. But perhaps if you just start again by telling me a secret, the garden we once planted together will not lie so barren and unkept. I tend it still. Tell me a secret that I might once more whisper to your heart.
Few things are quite so bewildering as feeling far apart from the person you hold closest. It leaves you wandering emotionally, clinging to hope that they will one day, again. let you in.