For every person there is damage. Damage caused. Damage seen. The damaged live and the damaged die. The damaged save and the damaged hurt. The damaged forgive and the damaged condemn.
For every damaged person there is a condemned. Condemned, they are so the damaged can move past them! "I condemn those on the street so I may walk by". "I condemn those in their adultery so I might save them." "I condemn those that hurt me and made me condemn." "I condemn myself for ever condemning."
So what are we? Surrounded by the ******. For everyone who bares witness to those who affect them. Who damage them. And those who condemn themselves for damaging.
All are guilty. And with that, chaos. To fight the ocean of the condemned is as simple as condemning. Only through condemning can we ever forgive.
Only through forgiving ourselves can we hurt again. Only through forgiving ourselves can we save our soul. Which one will you choose. I'm still on the fence.