Running down the halls. The dull white walls of those crazy halls. Yes I was mid mania. Screaming! I should have been ashamed. Then again it wasn't me who took the blame. I needed to let loose. I needed to Scream!!! So I ran down the halls. The white dull halls of Willow trees. Yes I was there for five or so months. Way more than the expected 90 days. I was running. The staff told me to calm down. But I can't and I'm not hurting anyone. I rannnnnn!!!! Screaming!!!! The hall Tecs stared. I laugh. Then later I leave my mania behind. I lay in front of the blue doors and wait for the boys to come back from dinner. Travis would be with them. He was like a brother. I lied by the blue doors. Depression swept over me. It was the mania dropping me down. Meds were late. I went and found Sammy. She was my crush. She had a beautiful voice and was like family. We all were family