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Apr 2016
In your rhythmic ocean of warmth
You tug sweetly at the thousand threads
Of red and ochre, sunset blushes
A deep song through shallow veins
Tuning your fragile compass
By a beautifully
One day you will love

Tumbling pirouettes of quiet unawares
To the melody of your mother’s laugh
As the gentle lullabied vines
Cradle your whispered breaths
You hold a perfect thumb
A flawless white shell
To pure pink
One day you will speak

Suspended in wondrous veil
A delicate radiance of blessing
Weaving light in golden promises
A dulcet requiem for your perfect world
You sing from your beautiful sphere
Scrunched in lovely darkness,
Precious child
Your little
Will one day see

The beauty of life.
Dedicated to the unborn.
May we know your astounding worth and be brave in its truth.
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