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Feb 2021 · 146
echo Feb 2021
without you,

I don't know
who I am
or how to be.

and as I
I doubt

I doubt
so much of
Feb 2021 · 754
echo Feb 2021
it's a vulnerable thing, isn't it?
to let go of someone,
with no guarantee
of an else.
Feb 2021 · 417
echo Feb 2021
sometimes silence
is the best
Feb 2021 · 93
you know
echo Feb 2021
you know when the ground
is dry and cracked and hardened,
and the fields crunch underneath you and grass splinters
and cows group under shade
in the country towns you drive through
doing 50kms on the main road,
stopping for a pie and paying with cash?

yeah that ground. anyway,

you know when the rain's due
and the clouds bundle like sheets in the washing basket
and that smell of dirt and sky
and the thick drops fall on your neck,
and you squint your face up and wait for the next one to hit you?

yeah that rain. anyway,

you know how the water pools and the ground can't drink it fast enough
and it's drought signs to flood signs in sixty minutes
and the crops fail and the men cry,
all because the ground wasn't ready for what it needed to arrive so fast?

yeah that irony. anyway,

I feel that in my heart sometimes.
Feb 2021 · 1.1k
echo Feb 2021
my friend,
when I'm with you
I remember who I am.

what is friendship
if not finding ourselves

day after unsimple day,
untangling it all.
Feb 2021 · 84
echo Feb 2021
so many thoughts to gather -
ideas and threads
and things they've said
and heard and honed

so many thoughts to gather -
the fear and dread
of things unsaid
unlearned, unknown

so many thoughts to gather -
from faith and friends
shall I pretend
they're all my own?
Mar 2018 · 398
yours and mine
echo Mar 2018
heart to mind
these conversations
hardest kind

head to heart
lost in translation
speaking blind

soul to God
these conversations
yours and mine
Nov 2016 · 885
echo Nov 2016
Your face, narrow
Like dawn
Young and fresh

Your faith, narrow
Like yawns
Nothing left

Your space, narrow
Like me
No room to let.
Not much room for two, I guess
Oct 2016 · 993
enfold me
echo Oct 2016
It's one-oh-nine AM
the somber cold
is echoing
the conch of sleep
enfolding me
to whisper
waves of morrow
to my dreams
Oct 2016 · 567
Check in
echo Oct 2016
I checked
my ego.

It's still
check your ego, amigo.
Oct 2016 · 991
echo Oct 2016
You'll add a poem-sonnet-haiku
But my darling it's just-like-you
To ignore all the rules
To dance in the jewels
And take syllables by surprise.
Oct 2016 · 386
echo Oct 2016
Why must you write,
& why must you sing,
Why must the bird
advent on her wing?

The anatomy tells
of grandeur, of things
you were made for
and long for,

were destined to bring.
Oct 2016 · 337
echo Oct 2016
Philosophy is art they say
And only those who paint it
Brush with truth
Oct 2016 · 563
Love song to reality
echo Oct 2016
I would write your name on my heart
But one day it may fail
I would carve your name into trees
But one day they may fall
So I'll just write your name on the Internet
*Because nothing we ****** say on there
Can ever be erased.
Oct 2016 · 704
echo Oct 2016
Not sure when I'll ever know
Crystallise this moral snow
Show me forwards, upwards, rightness
Show my feet the path that's
Jul 2016 · 370
Take heart
echo Jul 2016
The road will bend
the tide will turn
& all that's whispered
will be heard.
May 2016 · 457
Teach her
echo May 2016
Teach her not feminism
but femininity

for as she finds herself
only then,
rapt in purpose

she will know
what is worth fighting for
May 2016 · 336
But First
echo May 2016
We are purposed beyond ourselves

To know and to love,

But first we must understand

The eyes with which we see.
Apr 2016 · 594
Precious Child
echo Apr 2016
In your rhythmic ocean of warmth
You tug sweetly at the thousand threads
Of red and ochre, sunset blushes
A deep song through shallow veins
Tuning your fragile compass
By a beautifully
One day you will love

Tumbling pirouettes of quiet unawares
To the melody of your mother’s laugh
As the gentle lullabied vines
Cradle your whispered breaths
You hold a perfect thumb
A flawless white shell
To pure pink
One day you will speak

Suspended in wondrous veil
A delicate radiance of blessing
Weaving light in golden promises
A dulcet requiem for your perfect world
You sing from your beautiful sphere
Scrunched in lovely darkness,
Precious child
Your little
Will one day see

The beauty of life.
Dedicated to the unborn.
May we know your astounding worth and be brave in its truth.
Mar 2016 · 378
ego centric
echo Mar 2016
the who's who's
the ties and suits
the black and white
the stripes, the sleuths
the egocentric
tall, concentric
parts of us parade
through the cities
in the minds
we make ourselves,
for only ourselves
on streets we walk alone,
in need of truth.
Mar 2016 · 363
echo Mar 2016
I think I loved you out of my life.
Out of existence.
The shadow stayed, though
(as a gentlemen should)
Yet wistful
all in the same breath.
I don't really know how
or why
or when you dissolved,
But I found after you faded
*only half of you had left.
echo Mar 2016
On my way to post a letter
Out my car Windows
I saw a grammar
Make a dash across the road
In an effort to be punctual
To a function at the TAB.
I skidded my car to a full stop,
Lost control in her direction,
Not in time to avoid my space-bar
I dashed over to find
She was in a comma!

Hit with a forward slash
It was a capital offense
I could not escape
Yet I was bold,
Tensely outlined the events
They docked a dot point
off my pen licence
and after bringing me before the keyboard
Sentenced me to a short spell
In a prison pen
(as it was just a lower case).

Entering the ward,
I paged the shift nurse
After her line break
‘- Would she wake?’
As it turns out her back space
Will have question marks
But her chances are greater-than most
Her progress is fontastic
For her age bracket
But her colon was disturbed -

She may have trouble
Just a pun-one, I penned for fun :)
(and you thought I was a serious type)
Mar 2016 · 2.1k
that moment when
echo Mar 2016
you forget
you are a poet
and accidentally
make sense
10w truths
Mar 2016 · 809
I am
echo Mar 2016
I am every word I've said
Each moment I have pondered
I am every year I've seen
Each question I have wondered

So maybe every single thought
Each person, every prayer
Is everything I am
As well as how I've gotten there
Mar 2016 · 687
Above us
echo Mar 2016
Time's a kite
Still flying
We hold on
Mar 2016 · 400
echo Mar 2016
A boyish grin in your branches
you climb into the sky
with fingertips on tree-bark
to its shoulders, through its eyes
on red-gum scribbles
wooden heights

Barefoot, scamper upward
earth in your lungs
breathe deeply, and feel
the roots in your chest
as web-woven shadows
teeter along

Oh build your castle there
and champion truth
with that sun-blonde hair
in the sky of sea, adrift in the light
on cotton-white tides

As fifty-two birds fly
like cards, dealt ever upward
on skyscape velveteen
in their paper-skins, like you
take flight, take flight
with your hearts and your diamonds,

red as the land

Mar 2016 · 286
echo Mar 2016
Then we find
the shreds of paper
turns of thought
upon the days
that lay behind us
heavy curtains
opened up
like morning rays
and cut the dust
off threaded dreams
and shake the earth
with dew again
Mar 2016 · 426
echo Mar 2016
The night begs attention
silent, bold
unafraid of stillness
unafraid to hold
the fierceness,
fragility of breath
the finity of death
& behold her blackness,
the darkness,
and in the void to rest
to wait for what is left
and for the sun.
Nov 2015 · 290
That's it -
echo Nov 2015
I'm gonna live forever
Or die trying.
Oct 2015 · 279
echo Oct 2015
Here are my doubts.
Here are my certainties.
Correct them both.
Oct 2015 · 322
echo Oct 2015
you've caught my eye
but can you hold
my ponderings?
Wondering if you're everything I wonder you to be...
Aug 2015 · 418
don't hold back
echo Aug 2015
worked like a charm.
but charms have never worked now, have they?
Aug 2015 · 359
echo Aug 2015
it's all been said
and all been done
strength and silence

elude us.
Aug 2015 · 312
If's and When's
echo Aug 2015
When you have
everything you want,

Will you want
everything you have?
Aug 2015 · 883
echo Aug 2015
don't take life too seriously
don't take life too
don't take life
don't take
Aug 2015 · 579
echo Aug 2015
Sun in my eye
Spotlight on earth
We're all performing
Jul 2015 · 409
just thinking
echo Jul 2015
Thoughts elude me
even as they make me
who I am
Jul 2015 · 413
dry eyes
echo Jul 2015
my eyes are dry
i can't complain
salt water never quenched
my thirsting anyway
Jul 2015 · 862
echo Jul 2015
in the secret
My feet in the water
Waiting to bloom
thought I was a songstress
weaving ribbons
into the air
maybe Esteem,
her whisperings
lied to me
Jul 2015 · 916
echo Jul 2015
So I guess
I found you by accident
and forgot you
on purpose
and that's about it then. Toodles.
May 2015 · 643
Vase parade
echo May 2015
petal frills and perfumed lace
roses vie for twirling space
each crimson face,
each quiet grace
does turn upon the silent stage
like a tide, an empty page
and sings in wordless ways

                               *"Beauty awaits, beauty awaits"
May 2015 · 605
echo May 2015
The heart sees in colours
That the mind can't comprehend
May 2015 · 548
echo May 2015
are the
of my
Apr 2015 · 475
echo Apr 2015
I am the girl
taught by autumn
entranced by leaves

as I wonder
how these dying
are so beautiful

I am the girl
taught by strangers
intrigued by eyes

as I wonder
how these beautiful
can be dying

Mar 2015 · 1.8k
echo Mar 2015
should be asleep
but i'll make these words
my pillow
I'll rest my case
And sort the baggage in the morning
Mar 2015 · 460
echo Mar 2015
the world is a breath
but I need the
Mar 2015 · 548
echo Mar 2015
she swept in the sea with a glance
stirred up the sand with a dance
and shells were her nails
bright hair, unfurled sails
to carry herself on the wind
Feb 2015 · 465
Behind the Seen
echo Feb 2015

Jan 2015 · 630
Do you follow?
echo Jan 2015

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