I sleep and I sleep til the pigs fly And land in a sea of their assisters Feces, Or like how every girl in school wants To be penetrated , but the reason they Can't see, Stay tired and covered up all in your Feelings when no one will give up The seed, Human flesh is a tamable thing, It no longer matters when we all Just bleed,
So give me what I want and all I want Is a chance to give back to my family While succeeding in my mistakes, I plan on making a living for a mistake Like myself, I might be up on the come up but I am Needing no help, Take my shirt off for Cara delevingnes, I stick my neck out for this teenage Poetry, There's nothing wrong with that, I'm on full attack, I pray the Lord that he will give me good Dreams, I write what I feel by all means, Even living in hell is poetry, But when the odds are stacked, The wall touches your back, Life or death it doesn't matter to me.