You say I do it for the attention If I was doing it for the attention I would cut where you could see the scars That I'm just doing it because its "trendy" I'm doing is because I was so sad I wanted to feel something other than my breaking heart That its not me I may not like it but it is just as much me as my hand or leg
You whisper behind my back about me being "sick" I am not ******* sick I am hurt. I need help but heaven forbid you be the one with the out stretched hand All the things you say when you think I can't hear you I can hear the whispers, the murmurs, the tiny little things you say about me affect how many cuts will be on my arm the next day You say I'm ruining my body I am hurting myself but if you can't look past the scars and love me then *******.
Yes I cut. I am not proud of the fact that I pick up a blade and put it down on my thigh. I want to get better But I can't if you won't acknowledge what I've been doing.
Please help me. Why won't you listen to me? I'm screaming please help.