>Want a thing? Relax >into a script to get a taste. >Fetishes? or repressed natural inclination? >Roll a D20 to feel better, take fun and make it killing, >with just enough free will to make it interesting. >Nothing else can become reality so in the universe we got >in the cosmic lottery, calm down >and have fun. >Find the most effective deformation — BAM BAM >SHOOT EM UP — and life is real. Over the top? >Or so aware that art is less than or equal >to life, so why settle for realism? >Say something the way that no one else can say >it. Maintain a state >of relaxation by white knuckling your partner until you forget to breathe. >Fetishize white men not being racists. >Lay it all out for your audience >whose uneducation cries out to be fixed >by you >and you alone. >Reassure them >you get it: >art is hard, >so I’m going >to speak my subtext >and spice things up >with some choreography >just to make sure >you get what it is >exactly >that I’m trying >to say, >because god knows you wouldn’t get it otherwise. >(And this way, people will finally understand you, and you will be complete, and you will be satisfied, and you will get everything you ever wanted, and you will ride fulfilled into the bright new day of artistic enlightenment you lucky sonuvabitch.)