As a bisexual, I fear Few will want you to be proud. They will bend your ear Saying things to you out loud That would be better left Totally, embarrassingly unsaid Instead of rattling around Inside the cathedral of your head.
Too many try to make it Seem like a kind of venal crime To want to make love with Someone of your own kind And maybe with the same Gender with which you were born. To some it is very biblical And subjects you to public scorn.
Finding someone **** With the same plumbing as you It not only delightful It can be a dream come true. It feels correctly natural And works like the other way Even though people scorn And use words like ‘***’ and ‘gay’ Or ‘******’ and even taco Whatever that might end up meaning. The important thing to me Bisexuality is so powerfully appealing.
So, those who dislike me And feel so righteously zealous That bisexuality is wrong Are very possibly just jealous. Or maybe just uptight Living by someone’s else’s rules; Not what they’ve learned And therefore are bigoted fools.