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Feb 2016

Tաas I tɦat աas sɛռt tօ tɦɛɛ,
Fʀօʍ ɮʀɛaɖtɦ's ʄaʀ aռɖ աɨɖɛ;
I օɮsɛʀʋɛɖ tɦɛɛ ʄʀօʍ Vɛռʊs,
Jʊst ɮɛtաɨxt tɦɛ aʟʟ-sɛɛɨռɢ's ɛʏɛ's.


Caʟasɦaʏ ɦօʟɨɖaʏ, ɦɨք tօ ɦɨք,
Faċɛ tօ ʄaċɛ; ʍɛʟaʟօռʐօ ɦaʀքsɨċɦօʀɖ,
Sċʀɨքtʊʀɛs tʊʀռɛtɦ ɨռtօ քɨċtʊʀɛs,
Dɨaʍօռɖs ʍaҡɛ ʊք tɦɛ ʄʟօօʀ's.


Rʊɮɨɛs ʄօʀ tɦɛ ɦaռɖʟɛɖ ɖօօʀ's,
Gʀaċɨռɢ tɦɨռɛ tօʊċɦ; a ʍɨʀaċʟɛ
Oʄ tɛʟɛքatɦɨċ sքɛaҡɨռɢ, աɦɨʟst
Sɨքքɨռɢ ɢʀaքɛ sքaʀҡʟɛ ʄօʀ ɮʀʊռċɦ.


Iռċɛռsɛ ʀɨsɨռɢ aɮօʋɛ tɦɛ tɛʍքʟɛ,
Fʀaռҡɨռċɛռsɛ aռɖ ʍʏʀʀɦ; օʊʀռ
Tʀaʋɛʟɨռɢ's ċօռռɛċtɛɖ ɮʏ sքɨʀɨt,
A ҡɨռɢ aռɖ զʊɛɛռ ɨռ ɢօɖ's աօʀʟɖ.


Jʊst a ɮօʏ aռɖ a ʟɨttʟɛ ɢɨʀʟ,
Gɨɢɢʟɨռɢ tօ ɛʊքɦօʀɨċ ʄʊռ;
Pʟaʏɨռɢ ɦɨɖɛ aռɖ sɛɛҡ, ռօ
Pɛɛҡɨռɢ; ʝʊst tɦɛ քʊʀɨtʏ օʄ
Oʊʀռ ʟօʋɛ.

©ɮʀaռɖօռ Naɢʟɛʏ
©Lօռɛsօʍɛ քօɛts քօɛtʀʏ
©Eaʀʟ ʝaռɛ Naɢʟɛʏ ɖɛɖɨċatɨօռ ( Fɨʟɨքɨռօ ʀօsɛ)
Calashay is a word I created- meaning ( perfection of grandeur)
Melalonzo- is another word I made up- meaning melodious and openly seen publicly,,,- melodious means also tuneful,
Breadth- means width.
Venus I used *** venus is mine horoscope ( Libras) ruling planet.
Betwixt is archaic for between..,
Harpsichord is- it looks like Piano but has chords inside it instead sounding like a harp a little bit, amazing...
Telepathic or telepathy - communication of thoughts or ideas by means other than the known senses. Meaning communication actually from thought to thought, without having to speak with lips, as everyone describes you can do in heaven who comes back to tell this by the thousands in near death experiences... Truth and beautiful truth,

Brunch- is like a later breakfast past breakfast time.
Frankincense and myrrh are famous incenses in bible. They smell great I love lighting both incense sticks at home though would prefer real stuff in markets in middle east,.. Still love it!!!
brandon nagley
Written by
brandon nagley  Ohio,USA..
       ---, Earl Jane, ---, ---, A Lopez and 9 others
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