Bruised and beautiful tall tree with heavy-hanging, over-ripened fruit that weighs your branches. Should I be a picker? Lighten the load. Will I be(e) a keeper? Produce sticky liquid from the pollen of your prickly flower.
Have I been the wind that makes them sway that makes you say, "Quiet. I'm hurting. Be gentle, I'm yearning for so much more than you give me."
I want to bring rain. Wet your roots and make it spring again. They extend deep and so far beyond me. I'd hit the dirt, sink and you'd drink me. Fill you up, something sweet.
Then I'm also the dry lake bed, and you are the sun. Then we're both the 96 million mile uninterrupted beam of energy that makes us one.
You, the powerful, scorching fire through the vacuum of space. The world feels your hot touch in mid day. And my arid cracked surface of evasive avoidance reflects your energy back at you, trapped in the atmos-
Spherical star, you've brightened my life. One day I'll be stronger learn to soften the strife.
My magical lover, ever burning goddess. Should I be kept as your lover, the ever failing novice, I imagine us melting into each other in August. The tail end of summer, stronger humble and honest and in love as ever.