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Feb 2016
I was sitting on a wooden chair
Wondering what life could share
Does happiness for real?
If I have no hope and no one could heal.

I am surrounded by thick walls
No one could hear my woeful calls
I am covered by fainted gleam
Which no one could see my enormous pain.

The briny fluid keeps flowing around me
Screaming blatantly; this loneliness kills me!
I’m trapped and no one’s glad to rescue me
Why letting this happen by Thee?

Someone answered abruptly
“You’re not alone and always accompanied by me”
“I never leave even in your darkest day”
“You just have to kneel your feet, close your palm and Pray”
loneliness is just normal for us as a human being. But we must remember that when things goes wrong, Almighty God is always with us.
Written by
Persephine  Roxas City, Philippines
(Roxas City, Philippines)   
       Paul Butters, Bianca Reyes, ---, ryn, --- and 8 others
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