I sat idle by the window waiting for your call, I receive a text instead that reads "we need to talk". I feel a damp stream down my face, and my heart race as I start to bawl, And I feel myself breaking as I see visions of my body outlined in chalk.
Devastation and panic sets in over my soul, I wonder if it was an impending heartbreak. I could feel anguish subsumed into my being as though I was a blackhole, This was when my body decided to give up and I started to shake.
Quiver, shiver, seizures as my head fell upon my pillow, The body fluids still secreting from my once bright eyes. I rolled into a ball and held myself resembling an armadillo, And that was when I realised "forever and love" were all lies.
That night as I cried myself to sleep, I had recurring nightmares, Of you trying to leave and me hugging myself to sleep. I then realised that from the start we were always in need of repairs, And as a result it became discerned that you weren't mine to keep.