It's easy as a poet to turn yourself into the flawed broken ideal you so readily romanticize at any given moment You adapt generational buzzwords like "Pale" or "thin" or "depressed" or "bipolar" To make up for the places you feel dull or average You long for someone to write about you like you write about your lovers or friends So you set yourself up like a john green character Beautiful Distant And empty You spout tumblr religion and intellectual quotes You become as paper thin as the characters from those novels our generation can't seem to get enough of Predictable Sad Romanticized to the point of extinction You survive on maybe three good quotes and self inflicted lack of sleep In pursuit of becoming the lie you loved youve become the truth you hate Millennial icon The cycle continues with you.
You don't have to be sad to be interesting. You don't have to be reckless to be important. You don't have to be the people you read. Stop romanticizing mental illness and disorders. Don't pretend. Who you are is enough.