Forgive me For not being perfect Or worth it Forgive me for my mistakes That made you get the shakes And aches
Just know I wish I could leave all behind me So, one could find me Cuz all the part of past Is nothin' but thrash That should be burning in the ash
Sorry, mom for not passing My words to somebody When all I felt was like a nobody Sometimes all I ask for Was one word To make me get inspired So, it could make me wanna go higher But all I felt was tire Yes, mother I admire You for your hard work
But I don't think you see my point Sometimes I'm needin' a hug from you mom To make me feel calm Cuz can't you see this terror In my eyes
Sometimes I feel like I am dying Inside But I hide it Inside You got me here trying Out for crying Cuz honestly I'm scared of drying
But still I chill Cuz I happen to remember when I was in the hospital You fought to make things possible While people declared me dead
Yeah, you stood there In the hospital Making things possible And you were so, unstoppable