oh, God bless the boy who was born from blue cigar smoke, and bled filthy water from arteries that never made it back to his liquid heart. please, angels, save the boy from the stones tied to his frozen feet when he thought he could walk on water, and the pearly-eyed sirens singing with empty promises woven into the harmonies. pray, heaven, keep the boy keep him locked up and rattling the golden gates, take him by the weary wrist and shackle him, keep him loyal with gifts of ambrosia and wine and he will build his own altar. here, people, worship the boy where he offers a bleeding eucharist, there is dirt beneath his thumbnail as he smears the line between sin and sacrament. tell them this is your scripture now. and you-- you, forsake the boy, climb the ridges of his crooked spine and do not look down, where cast from shining heaven he raises his ****** palms; this is the rotting skeleton of the tower he built to the sky. God, bless the boy, the water is boiling, and even the sirens fear him now.
started this one on a trip in the White Mountains, finished it I don't know when.