When I leave Just sleep But don't bleed If you feel the pain gain Just know it'll Heal So, there is no big deal If you feel ill Just try to heal
When I leave Don't turn around And make a sound With your words Cuz I'll pretend that those are the birds Don't face me cuz in this case You have to find your own place
And space That you belong Stay strong When I'm gone
Cuz I'm done With this pain Don't complain Or try to explain Cuz it don't mean nothing
I frown When you drown me Keep your distance Cuz I don't want to know about your experience
Cuz you bother to help me When I bleed Inside and out That's what it's about
You not helping me So, let me flee
So, when I leave I won't shad a tear Cuz this how it seems to appear To me
So, know this when I leave Just know that I don't want to bleed