in the San Bernardino hills so many dead or dying terrorism kills.
but, folks, I have to wonder so many "evil" guns will our rights also be taken? to protect daughters and sons?
I'm listening to mom's TV with a heavy heart so many lives just ravaged so many torn apart!
is our city next? it causes a tear but I won't succumb to hate I won't give in to FEAR!
whatever awaits in this short life I won't be afraid I will praise You in this storm my heart steadfast and staid
this is what I pray about I know I am not wrong that this tension doesn't escalate and we finally use
SoulSurvivor (C) 12/3/2015
It's time to get my spiritual house in order. I don't like guns. But i know how to use one and would if I needed to. This whole thing makes me wonder if conspiracy theorists aren't correct. Is this all a plot to take away guns from the honest public? News at 11.