I finished up with my Gratitudes, and ran into a better Idea of Living, along the way! Its called a White Flag.
Its the ONE I've carried Inside of Myself for my own Looking Up…Surrender So close, that the trajectory is straight Up into the Shine of a GREATER LIGHT.
No One else around to make me do it, be it, or Live It. The Kind of Choice that looks so beautiful that you actually do say “Please", and "Thank You” just like you were going to Thanksgiving with a relative.
Cause after all, isn’t that whats beautiful about Life? that it can be about Please and Thank You?? that its that simple,.. everybody gets it
The Prayer of Gratitude… That theres actually Nothing to do... That its all Already Perfect.
Does that mean I would give Up my Freedom for a cookie? that its THAT kind of NOTHING to do? No. Its the Kind that says, Its worth it… Get back Up This Life of Freedom, of Goodness, Of Love, of Sharing.. IS worth It! God’s call Within. Heaven..!!!! PEACE, with eternal FREEDOM as Its Mate. Real Heaven.. That’s a Love Affair worth Living For.. The Kind that Songs were written about..
Freedom, Holy Freedom, Rested in PEACE That might just be… Can You SEE the Light? ...A World That Works for Everyone Miracle!!! And so It Is.