Corner curtains close to encircle souls bearing poems scratched on manila pads or formed on computers to await a reading amid clangs of ceramic cups stainless steel utensils and cream pitchers.
Carlo’s throat cracks while he recalls running his fingers over dry scaly skin tolerating the heat rising in his body as he befriends snakes coexisting in his camp
Mokasiya narrates adventures along rock mesas formed and shaded red, orange and tan and how grasses turn brittle and dry nearly dissapearing amid enormous grasshopper swarms . . A young woman sings and plays poetic lyrics of struggles lamenting that she should have given in to the hot rage in her throat to shoot and **** the ***** who corrupted her father’s marriage
Corner curtains open as words and phrases remain to die among the chairs mixing with the sawdust on the hardwood flooring unlikely to become reborn, reread or recorded