I am a completely different person than I was seven years ago. Physically, yes, because my cells have been dying and renewing so much that everything is gone and I am new.
Mitosis took care of that in the way that everyone is a new collection of cells every seven years.
But we're still the same collection of memories.
I am also different mentally.
I am not a simple eight year old anymore, but what is a simple eight year old?
I want to be a stem cell, blank and waiting for instructions.
Either I want to make my own decisions and take control of my own life or I can recognize that I don't know what I'm doing and any control given to me will be lost.
I want to stay blank, ready to be programmed and have a job and a purpose.
But maybe I don't want to be a cell and I want to be the collection. Maybe I'll find my purpose. Maybe I'll find my job.
I want these seven years to pass so I can be this new human. Maybe they will know what to do.
Am I the stem cell, hidden in the nasal cavity, or am I the human? Am I really that different from my simple eight year old self? Am I really different at all?
guess who's back back again liza's back tell a friend this was inspired by a conversation i had in biology today