We rest deeply within our cote laying the fields of quiet and peace. The silence that lives underneath an opera singers voice. In our stillness we float up with a sweetness of the finest essence After the storm Noah sends us out to fulfill a dream to find the promise land. As we search all direction we carry no frustration as our paths are completely open.
Our love has a steely aggressive streak cutting through any emotional obstacle.With a light but forceful peck we find all our boundaries broken. As we slide through every challenge like a train running through a mountain. Hidden behind an invisible wall we find our isolated heart feeling broken. But with our beak a few light taps and a wave like wand we find all our spell are broken.
As the little self guards all his inner wealth, but another voice singing , " start sharing" as all casts are now broken. On the edge a little chick looking down staring and just standing with a little voice saying don't let go keep on holding. But a higher force with a heavy boot just shoves us off, while screaming, search for something higher. So a little bird starts tumbling with desperate little wings that feverishly flapping red face fluttering.
But caught in the unexpected currents of life winds push us lower. Then though all of a sudden like an orchestra that has just found its conductor or a singer finding her voice we start flying. Defenceless little birds I find ourselves powerless to the forces from above as we are caught but not in a cage but in LOVE. My wings out stretching my heart opening I find my tiny self racing like a rocket into an infinite space. With my love inside my breast you will feel the tickles of feathers inside your chest.
Fumbling and bumbling chest filled with love we find no room inside our home. With chicks bursting we find our heart full of explosion. The endless love of a dove letting go into freedom rising steaming just keeps on evaporating. With this incredible task a little birds cover the world, keep streaming from a magicians hat they keep on appearing. As we sink into feathery arms we are delicately warmed and like a radiator we start glowing.
Love is the hope that hangs in the air like the star of David. So when you snuggle into the love of a dove you will find yourself anchored at the bottom of the sea but also high in the sky above. So let us travel in the wings of a doves love