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Nov 2015
I choke on the words I love you
Because it’s too painful to say

And this montage of memories won’t leave my mind
But for some reason, they all come pouring out so quickly
That none of them seem to stay for long
It feels like a movie compressed into a single second

And I’m the only one left in the audience
Dumbstruck that the credits are still rolling on the screen
Until finally,
There are no more credits;
The ending isn’t still coming to a close
It’s just over.

The screen is black and I’m alone.
With only memories burned into my stubborn skull
Wishing I had wrote down every day I spent with you
Wishing that I could re-watch every second I spent with you

Finally, a theater usher interrupts
“Miss, the next show begins in 5 minutes,
We’ll need you to please exit the theater.”

I guess there isn’t really much else to do in that scenario
Besides get up and walk away
Flashing the most realistic smile
One could conjure up
While engulfed by complete emptiness
Written by
Anonymous  Portland, OR
(Portland, OR)   
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