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Nov 2015
I see you standing there,
staring at you, unaware.
I smile and think,
"This is it. We've waited years.
But now you're here."
I cannot ask for anything more.
This has always been our dream.

I run towards you.
You look back;
your eyes meeting mine.
"Be still, my beating heart."
But it can't. It never can
when all I see is this man;
the most beautiful form of art.

You wrap me in your arms.
Tears fall down our cheeks;
pouring out all pent up feelings.
You hug me tight.
I bury my head on your chest.
I swear to God, this day is the best.

I look into your eyes;
those blue orbs I'll love 'till I die.
You lean in.
No words needed.
I know what you mean.
I wrap my arms around you,
wanting to feel more.
Scared, ecstatic, nervous?
I don't know anymore.

But your hands slipped away.
Everything is turning gray.
I open my eyes.
And see the sun's rays.
I'm back in my bed.
Waking up to your message instead.
"Good morning, love.",
with a smiling face.
Pam Zaragoza
Written by
Pam Zaragoza  Philippines
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