"I love you." she says And she means it. "I love you." she says And it's true.
"I love you." he says And he needs it To hear her say "I love you too."
"I need you." he says And he means it. "I need you." he says And it's true.
"I need you." she says And she needs it To hear him say "I need you too."
"I love her." she says And she means it. I love her." she says And it's true.
"I love her." she says But she fakes it And all except her always Knew.
"I need her." she says And she feels it "I need her." she says And it grew.
"I need her." she says But she knows it Is a need that will never go Through.
"I'm sorry." she says And she means it "I'm sorry that I love her too."
"I'm sorry." he says And he pleads it "That this has been troubling you."
"I'm losing." she says And she means it. "I'm lost and don't know what to do. I love him and her and I mean it. And I know that they both love me too. I won't leave his arms to go with her, For I know her love isn't true. But that will not stop all these feelings From popping up out of the blue."