Let's face it I'm probably never, no I know I'll never Have kids But I know this much, I've seen a lot of things on social media that are making the ends of my hair split. So from this spoken word I spit I'll give you a list of what I've learned in life not to do with kids.
1. Fear and respect are two different things, take time to connect And don't pry for information and they'll open up, it's a reward patience brings.
2. Someone once said your offspring are your own parents payback, learn their strengths and weaknesses and aid where they lack.
3. The greatest question among parents, does spanking really work? It varies from child to child, so no one really knows on this earth. However I will say that there's always such a thing as going too far. If your child ends up in a hospital because of your tempestuous outburst, you deserve branding with a hot iron bar.
4. If your child has special needs, do your research and plant self confidence based seeds.
Well that's my list, did I miss anything out please add more, Like I said, I'll probably never have kids, but you never know what life has in store
Disclaimer: I don't plan on having kids until the day epilepsy is permanently cured. I wrote this from an outsiders perspective