We cannot stay on the mountain tops. We were never meant to live there.
We will often find ourselves in the valley, at the bottom, unable to even see the peak above the looming clouds.
We decide to start climbing and fighting. It is a process it takes time to build up endurance to make it to the top.
We see the views as breath taking and the big picture of our struggles is painted so very neatly for us – seeing how all the things we thought went wrong actually benefited us.
We see the joy is in knowing we must descend back down so that the next mountain can be climbed and we can grow even more.
We see that there are irreplaceable moments to be found in the valleys and on top of the mountains. Both different. Both crucial to making us who we are.
You are more than the words someone strings together in an attempt to tell you who you are.
You don't need to be more of anything. You are worthy of love and acceptance right here, right now.
Sure, there will be growth that can be so hard but you are not waiting around for the other shoe to drop before you are worthy enough.
It is hard to believe the best things about ourselves and so much easier to see them in others.
So remind someone every single day of the incredible things you see in them. it all starts with one voice of encouragement.