The Earth revolves around the sun Slowly completing her annual run It is the centre of our galaxy The primary source of energy For our carbon-based humanity The source of light without which we can not see This is only a model, a representation of something much more heavenly
The earth revolves around the sun This is merely just a pun Not the gaseous, fiery, sphere that sends its electromagnetic waves speeding through our hemispere The ball of hot boiling plasma The yellow dwarf star and blazing super nova But the Son only begotten of the Father The Nazarite, the Lion of Judah
Through him everything was created He existed way before the world was dated The image of the Father, a perfect replicate Born of the ****** teen With whom the Lord was well pleased The fulfillment of the prophesies An enemy of the Pharisees He who walks on water and calms the stormy seas His Majesty The crowned Prince of peace
The son who stumbled and fell While carrying the cross bravely bearing weight of the world Struggling with every breath Weakening with every step, moving closer to his evitable death The son denied, rejected, despised pierced, bled and died For your sake and mine The son who rose, ascended and is seated on high surrounded by the angles and dominions up in the sky
The son who tore down the veils broke the chain of religious ways and leads us straight into the throne of grace The earth revolves around the son The firstborn of God and Man the living, breathing form of Manna who satisfies all our hunger And transforms us through his holy wonder The earth revolves around the son The good shepherd, the lowly lamb the Son Who was and is to come