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Sep 2015
This relationship
Is so very different from the rest
And this time I mean it
Not like last time
Or the time before that
But really
This time is different

Everything is so honest
I don't love you yet
And you don't love me
But thats ok
We can tell each other that
And it feels so free

I don't feel Like I have to play these games
I don't feel Like I have to hold back my feelings
I don't feel Like I have to put up walls
So I won't get hurt...

I don't have to tell you
Cute little lies that we always tell
Just so I won't hurt your feelings
We are just happy in each others company
We are just slowly getting to know each other
It's so free

Every time I see you You
I don't have to tell myself your perfect
That our relationship is perfect
That everything is perfect
Because that's Probably a lie

This relationship isn't pressured to be something it's not
It is what it is
And it is free

And never in my life have I have ever been so happy
Jasmine smiles
Written by
Jasmine smiles  no future, USA
(no future, USA)   
   ---, GaryFairy and Daniel T
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