This one is for the boys. The ones who had dreams bigger than reality, the ones who used to have a sense of morality. This one is for the boys. The ones who knew who they were going to marry in third grade, the ones that admitted to being scared of something. This one is for the guys. The ones who claim they never cry, the ones who tell her that they'll never lie. This one is for the guys. The muscle bound, no emotion meat heads. The Fitted hat wearing acclaimed "gangsters". The smooth talking, will do everything to get that one girl but treat her like she's nothing when they get her. This one is for the men. The ones who followed there big dreams into reality, the ones who will only lie to her about her morning breath smelling good and her snoring being cute. This one is for the men. The ones who take responsibility for what is theirs, showing everyone he actually cares. The ones who will tell someone they are afraid to lose them. The ones who aren't afraid of being afraid. This one is for the men! The ones who want to be everything that their daughter will look for in a man. This is for the men.
Some guys will never fulfill the shoes of a true man.. And i'll tell you, its sad to say.