Now first and foremost don't get upset That's not me hinting you need a gym membership Or an objectified observation What I am saying is you're more beautifully complex than an average constellation
You are not a cluster of stars some people chose to put together Nor a tether of thought from a single perspective Some 1 dimensional reflective image to simply sit by in my night sky
Oh no no no, you see to me
You're a complex galaxy
And in those parameters let us playfully define
Right now I'm within the confines of the gravity of your love<br> It's magnitude of power reigns up to 10 to the 14 stars or above That's hundred trillion flaming masses passively bound like glue By simply you just being you
So above the gravity of such galaxies, my love there is nothing that comes more unquestionably and naturally true
Your pull reigns me in
Asks me to begin exploring every facet of your system
Your stars that I am drawn to? Your galactic seeds of wisdom
Burning into the retina of my inner eyes Your sources of shining light and life brighten up my dark mattered skies To the point where night and day could be lost amongst your cosmic fray I am blessed to feel your warmth in my life in such colossal ways
Your planets you have formed? Refined bodies of the life you've led I mean a lot can be said of planet surface And that molten core you spout sometimes Or that forgotten cold core of lead
Like pieces of your history you chose to keep and store
I'm sure I could probe samples of what makes you so unique
But it's not my primary mission dear It's not your past collisions I've come to seek
I mean, aren't we all a chaotic incalculable and at best self confessed mess anyways?
I don't think we're ever given enough time to ever truly know
And although I have no idea what keeps that spiral of a chance you call a galaxy going
Whether the source of your gravity's event horizon is or isn't showing I don't have to know, because not everything's up for exploration These lives we lead have an expiration, I mean we all have aspirations
I'm not here to find your habitable goldilocks location
Nor do I plan to build a death star, rule and reform your natural galactic formations
I don't plan to rule your galaxy to its farthest reigns I mean I too have my own galaxy to maintain
And I can't even really promise I'll stay Our universe is so big I mean it's easy to get drawn away!