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Sep 2015

(Earl Jane)

Oh my sweetest king,
You’re an angel that God sent,
You’ve saved me from darkness!

You’ve illuminated my somber world,
And limn rainbows,
I’m in total wonderment.

You’ve colored my dark eyes,
Lustrous hue of love and care,
Oh how astounding!

Oh my King,
You are my greatest blessing,
Interminable bliss!

Oh my King,
These arms yearn for your warmth,
And feel each of your heartbeat.

I’m thirsty my King,
Come closer and closer dear,
Quench me with your kisses.

Oh my King,
How I want to stare at your eyes,
They carry me to paradise!

Your voice calling me,
Enkindled this slumbered love,
I’m lavishing them all to you.

I’ll meet you so soon,
Enfold you eternally,
And will never let you go.

I’ll clasp your hand tight,
And will present you to the world,
That you are my KING!

How I long to watch you dearly,
While you are in your deep sleep,
And will wake you with my kiss.

I’ll be your nurse,
When you are sick and weak,
I’m so fain to take care of you!

I will to cook for you,
And will feed you as you to me,
How wonderful that would be!

I will rest my head in your chest,
And feel your arms wrapping around me,
My best solace!

I will sing for you my King,
Endlessly with my willing heart,
Just to make you gleeful and at peace.

I’ll dance you,
With the rhythm of my love,
Eternally under the moonlight glow.

Your celestial face I desire to touch,
And will expatiate my love for you,
Face to face, with my eyes affix on yours.

I will wait, my King,
Even forever for you,
You’re all that I need.

Fear no more my King,
For I will never leave you,
I will always be by your side.


O' Queen, mine amour'
Blossom of faraway world's;
Thou hath given me life.

Thou hath illumined mine being
Thou hath lifted away mine sting;
I'm in awe from thine selflessness.

In mine sight
Thou hath shown me a might;
And power in thine delight.

O' mine other half
Thou art mine wondrous rose;
I'm beholden as thine own, in thine presence I glow.

O' mine sovereign
Gold of the creator's streets;
Ancient treasure of mystical lantern's.

Im parched mine lass
Cometh near, drench me fast;
With thine tounge to caress the smile I hath.

O' mine ecstasy
How I needeth thee next to me;
To effect me with thine lip's, so succulent.

Tis, yes I do calleth thee
Mine amare for thineself scream's;
I'll enter thy dream's, and caress thine anguish.

We shalt cometh together
Under the moon, and tropical weather;
Floating aloft, Filipino feather's.

I shalt locketh with thine finger's
With a ring upon it, I shalt put;
Whilst the universe watches ourn openess
Hell shalt tremble by ourn book.

I shalt be thine doctor
To shocketh thy heart back to Animation;
Two angelic's guiding another, both Jehovah's patient's.

I shalt prepare for thee
Home cooked refection;
Southern, and northern confection's.

I shalt wrappeth mine arm's
Over thine hip's;
As mine leg's over thine own, blanket's we shalt between grip.

I shalt recite poetry for thee dove
Blessing's of thine hug's
Giveth me perfection.

I wilt sway in way's of the deep
Thine tear's no more shalt weep;
And swept on feet's, we swoon.

Thine eyelid's I wilt Pierce
Into thine rib's mine own mirror;
Seeing mineself slip into.

I wilt rest
Until the day;
We do cometh, in contact of ourn skin's way's.

O' sweet queen Jane
Sleep mine love;
When thou shalt waketh, I'll be next to thee mine flowering bud.

© Earl Jane - Brandon Collaborations
♥ Lovers Incorporated
my first collab with my king Brandon<3 <3
He was so amazing in writing this.. well, my writing are so normal and ******., sorry about that...
Earl Jane
Written by
Earl Jane  Philippines
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