& yet I think of Angels & of how your voice with it's smog lilt seemed to summon them from the skies for me I've tried I cannot hate you even though if I could feel anything I'd probably have a broken heart You talk of a Polish cleaning lady now, who stirs your soul You say, you love her too much so she's better off alone To me, your heart's a lock I love you too much but are you better off without me why do I doubt the honesty of your rejection had certain things not happened could I have been the key to unlock your mysterious heart the days are growing shorter the leaves will soon change color but never can my heart change from wanting you no matter how you treated me no matter I'm a fool yes, I think of certain things, revenge of some kind I see things clearly now but alas, the heart is blind & I'm struggling to hold on to the little pride I still have left in me & no, I cannot hate you even if it would be wise to do. You're the lock, I'm the wrong key but I'll never stop dreaming of you