Those like David McWilliams tried to make us see the light, but our politicians were quick to tell us everything was all right It’s grand they said; sure our economy is booming, though now it appears they knew disaster was looming It seems the easy credit and ridiculous property prices, left the banks owing billions, facing a financial crisis and one night our politicians agreed the bank guarantee, borrowing billions from Europe, selling our sovereignty.
The billions owed by the banks were to be paid by you and me, which meant we all faced years of austerity The money disappeared almost as quickly as Fianna Fail, we were at the mercy of the Troika, Angela Merkel and all. We owed billions in the form of a promissory note, with billions to be paid each year, by rote The banks and the developers washed their hands of it all, some even representing us now in the Dail!
Yes the banks and bond holders who were mostly to blame, did not lose a penny, they knew how to play the game But for us there’s no help, it’s an absolute shame, and the politicians reasoning sounds completely lame We had our politicians and the business world to thank, but they laughed all the way to the nearest offshore bank Swiftly followed by developers and entrepreneurs, all this country got from them was a collective Up Yours!