When I was younger than I am to day This is what I used to say: ,,When I grow up I want to be a policeman'' Well I didn't became police just a man Still I am the same as I was back then I am still doing everything I can I'm still loved and I still love For me that was always enough But now I am older I am seeing more I See things I used to ignore Back in the day when I watched sesamestreet When I didn't know a heart could bleed One day I started watching the news Stories about killing and abuse They seemed to control the earth Stories about people getting hurt I still remember that day in 2001 It was the day my childhood was done I saw a city filled with smoke I saw a nation about to choke Still people live in pain and without being loved Living like shadows, blindfolded and handcuffed Crawling through the valleys of life Feeling more death than alive Wandering through a dessert looking for an oasis All they can find is a mirage Even close at home people live in poverty Getting food and clothes from charity Living on the streets and in wrecked homes Living under our created domes People getting killed because the color of their skin Dear God if You do excist can't you hear me beggin' If You do please help us please you must Because right now humanity turns itself into ashes and dust