You don’t matter at all, You hardworking citizen, You who toil at drudgery To feed all your children. When we need you to vote We pay attention to you But the rest of the time We look right through you.
You don’t matter at all. Only the rich are essential The rest of you are not; You’re interchangeable. You’re just marks on a page; On the bottom of a ledger And it’s best if you just Work silently altogether.
The one percent matters But if you are not rich yet That means you are too stupid To reach out and get. The rich are a better class And a truly valuable human. All you non-rich are good for Is to support us by consuming.
You don’t matter at all Since you only vote for POTUS. The rest of the time you all Let us rob and you don’t outvote us. We write laws that give more And soon all of wealth to us And then we point at someone else For you to fail to back and cuss.
You don’t matter at all, Or haven’t you even noticed. You didn’t see that we urge You to dwell in a field of lotus Called football beer and Fox, The news that is not really news; Just something to misdirect. It helps us shape your views.
You don’t matter at all. You prove it every single day By being so ignorant and lazy We give this country away We sell off your birthright To the rich of other lands And you all just run your mouth And sit there on your hands.