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Aug 2015
When I was falling apart,
You fixed my broken heart.
When I had the blade to my skin,
you loved and let me in.
I would've take a bullet for you...
but you were the one pulling the trigger.
You held the gun,
not knowing I was the one.
Your touch brought me happiness,
But my touch brought you pain.
But after all the madness,
you were the sunshine in my rain.
But you realized that you still loved me, even after the war.
I was the one drowning but you brought me back to shore.
You saved me. I saved you.
Being each others life support, is what pulled us through..
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I am back for good this time.. This poem was inspired by sam smith's song "life support" its my favourite song right now. It also tells the story of my current relationship. Pj and I have been dating two months. However we were dating a few years back. When we realized we were each other's life support , we decided to try again .
Written by
Sadolecent  16/F/Under the Stars
(16/F/Under the Stars)   
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