Shadow after shadow. We fought on through. They had golden eyes and wanted to consume our light. There were only 3 Celestial star owls left. But they still fought the darkness with all the light they had left. I tried with all of my shine to help them as much as I could. The addiction had some strange hold on me. Its as if I am unable to forget its strange euphoric cosmic gifts to my soul. I wanted to be a part of it. Every time I would get these urges the Star owls would shine the urge away. Only I was taking a lot of their light away. I had to break free! The star demon mounted its attack as one of the Star owls met it head on. Light and shadow clashed creating this incredible explosion of darkness and shine. Light feathers were all that was left of my cosmic guardian. They faded into the darkness. He was gone! There now was only three of us left. The golden eyed shadows were pushing us away from the star memory. Slowly they were consuming our light. Then all of a sudden they stopped attacking. The shadows stood still and looked to all the bright stars around them. Only they were no stars. Someone had heard my call for help. The sentinels of light were coming to our aid.