On Sunday he pressed his lips against my throat in a joking sort of kiss all waggled brows and hidden giggles and I said "oh my god what are you doing" and we dissolved into snickering
And on Wednesday me and he sat and watched TV and played horror games all terror and smiles and fond glances and I said "it's your turn don't roll your eyes at me" and I forgot my responsibilities when he did it anyway
On Sunday we shared a glance over breakfast snacks and danced on stage and talked around him all raised brows and aching cheeks and I said "we'd have cute kids your hair, my everything else" and I don't remember what his face was, from the ground
And on Wednesday, he laid on my couch and I sat in my armchair all relaxation and easy conversation and he said "wait, are you really going to marry him?" and I don't remember answering
And on Sunday we raised our eyes to heaven and sang songs to the God my mother loves all easy grace and accidental harmonies and I thought "why would I marry him I love you" and I sat alone