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May 2016
Have you ever been broken
Have you ever been beaten
Have you ever sat smoking
Looking for a reason
Why am I always on the other side
Looking in I see true happiness
And this glass
In between myself and my dream
I see it
I hear it
I feel it slipping through my fingers
Is there someone
Is there anyone
Who can pull me to the surface
My pain will always linger
Is there anyone
Is there someone
Who will caress my face
I've completely lost the thing
That brings
That drive to write a sing
Still I try
Wishing I could just die
But I just hide
Who I am inside
With a guard built up outside
My life just a lie
I'm completely broken
And why!
I've never hurt anyone on purpose
I do my best to see the good in others
Even without a purpose
I'm feeling as if I'm smothered
What I write here is all truth
Its what is me
Out there in the air
To the people reading this
Do any of you even care?
(c) Steven Forrester- From Diary of an Ominous Mind
Steven Forrester
Written by
Steven Forrester  32/Non-binary/Tucson, AZ
(32/Non-binary/Tucson, AZ)   
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