My generation is one of mechanical hearts but real flesh Real brains and a real chest It's just we have grown from broken limbs and hard breaths from getting knocked down That we put up a wall made of stainless steel on the outside of our most precious mussel trying to save it But the thing is we never took it off so it just built on the other making a hard casting with pipes that pumped blood for you It's not comfortable But it what our mistakes has made which in return made us forget about passion and compassion Focusing on our hurt and our deception That instead of leading this country to greatness We are leading it to the fire That only seems to grow higher and higher We made it where we can't get enough oxygen so we make it artificial Every problem that comes up we make it beneficial to only us We turn too much to the inside that we concave if we don't stop It's not just going to be hearts That are machines If we don't stop We will all be A society Of robots and it would be my generations fault because it was one who spent their lives making mechanical hearts when they didn't account for the rain that is always bound to come and tear the mechanical heart apart