when you look into a persons eyes you see inside the part they don't want to open up and show you you see who they are their past their present and you see if you want to be apart of their future you see the hurt the pain the loss the everlasting memories burned into their brain leaving burns and scars and scary thoughts you see their life their adventures their misfortunes but you also see their good times the treasures that they hold close to make them feel like it's not all bad looking into someones eyes is a journey exploring the little fragments and seeing what they hold in their nooks and crannies so look someone in the eyes when you talk to them when you lie next to them and just wander feel their spirit their energy just by looking into their eyes into their lost soul getting lost with them within them for eternity
I don't know where I was going with this. But I like it and I spent a lot of time on it. Hope you enjoy!