Have you ever wonder what happen while you’re a sleep? Pitch black and nothing to see monsters gathering together standing patiently next to your bed. To share a special kid for a meal to eat, the tooth fairy is waiting to collect all your teeth and the boogie man still live under bed haunting your dreams. Make sure you close your closet door because you never know what will come after for your soul, a funny feeling that you’re not becoming whole. And the moment waking up in the middle of the night opening the door hearing little footsteps echoing though wall, a shadow creature creeping down the hall. Keeping you up late at night eyes popping out of your socket, pupil stretching your eyelids begging for this nightmare to stop of these horror monsters surrounding my mind. Suddenly I froze when I hear the scariest voice I ever heard whispering my name, saying you are mine to claim. Don’t cry now it all be over soon no light will ever save your life just one more prey dies today on these sheet of flesh and doom for my last collection of my masterpieces and that my child is definitely you.